beauty · blog · Discover · Inspire · Motivational · poetry

her gentle heart. 

never did she dream of walking away. never did she dream of giving up on what she wants most. though thoughts creep, still she remains.  in his eyes, she sees more than he ever could. she knows his spirit, though she doesn’t know every fact that fill his life story. she seeks the light in…… Continue reading her gentle heart. 

beauty · blog · Discover · health · Inspire · Motivational · poetry

The rose that grew through the concrete Mannerisms discrete Unlike the roots that’ve nurtured her She’s managed to stay unique  Unattached to the streets  Stems growing due to strength from underneath  Each petal is like a metal  Growing through adversity  The elements of the earth  Harmful to her from birth  Fearful she’d never make it  Willing…… Continue reading

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Soul Food

It’s amazing how much pain we are able to endure. From the smallest pieces of rejection, to the biggest heartaches that eat away at our soul, we managed to maintain. Time and time again, we’ve heard people say “life ain’t easy”. People constantly tried to feed us advice and hand us the necessary tools to…… Continue reading Soul Food

beauty · blog · Discover · health · Inspire · poetry

The Mastery of Love

Recently, I spend more time turning book pages and less time scrolling through timelines. In efforts to heal my soul, I have been reading books that stress the importance of self-love, self-acceptance and self-awareness. I wish to share an excerpt from the exceptionally written book titled The Mastery of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz. I…… Continue reading The Mastery of Love

beauty · blog · Discover · Inspire · Motivational · poetry

Women… Today is For You! 

Today, is a celebration for women! Take a million selfies, dance like no one is watching, tell yourself “I’m beautiful” every time you walk by a mirror, laugh longer, play harder, run faster, be tougher, love harder… don’t hold anything back. You are a superwoman with superpowers!  You can give life, you can breathe life…… Continue reading Women… Today is For You! 

beauty · blog · Discover · health · Inspire · Motivational · poetry

The Idea of a Broken Heart 

A broken heart has a way of making you feel out of place. When I visualize a broken heart in my mind, I see a crooked crack right down the middle. Each half represents something different. Not 2 different people, rather 2 different emotions (depper than “should I stay or should I go?”).  Think of…… Continue reading The Idea of a Broken Heart